The best local dishes in Edinburgh are among the world's most unique culinary inventions, so you'll probably have a lot of fun discovering new flavours while dining in the city's iconic restaurants.

Edinburgh is Scotland's capital city, and with that comes a wide variety of cultural influences. While that can be seen throughout the city's numerous attractions, nothing exemplifies it quite like its dining scene. Read on for our guide to famous food locals love to eat in Edinburgh.

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    It’s a running joke to tell tourists that haggis is a type of animal. You’d be forgiven for believing this story, so unusual-looking is this dish. There are numerous recipes, but the most traditional haggis is made from sheep’s ‘pluck’ (a less graphic way of saying heart, liver and lungs). The meat is minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices and salt and boiled in the sheep’s stomach for around 3 hours.

    Unsurprisingly, haggis has always had trouble being accepted. Even in the 1700s, Scotland’s famous poet, Robert Burns, had to defend the dish in a poem. To honour the poet’s memory, Burns Suppers are held all over Scotland on Burns’ birthday, January 25th. The main dish is, of course, haggis.

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    Scottish Shortbread

    Scottish Shortbread
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    Don’t run away yet. Here is a sweet Scottish specialty that is, ahem, a bit more ‘mainstream’. Scottish Shortbread evolved from a medieval recipe for drying out left-over bread dough in an oven to make ‘biscuit bread’. Eventually, the yeast in the biscuit bread was replaced with butter to make shortbread.

    Scottish Shortbread was once very expensive and served on special days like weddings, Christmas and New Year. Now, shops throughout Edinburgh sell it in various shapes, from ‘petticoat tails’ to ‘fingers’.

    foto de Dave souza (CC BY-SA 2.5) modificada

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    Scottish Porridge

    Scottish Porridge
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    Porridge is another classic Scottish dish. While porridge is enjoyed in countries around the world, there is a Scottish way of eating it. Scots cook the porridge slowly and use a spurtle (a 12” wooden stick) to get rid of lumps. Scottish porridge is served with salt or even a little whiskey.

    Research has shown that Scots, or people who lived in what would become Scotland, may have been eating a variety of porridge for over 5000 years. Its versatility and status as a filling comfort food have kept it popular even to this day. Dig into a dish to keep you warm and full as you explore the beauty of the Scottish countryside.

    foto de Ungry Young Man (CC BY 2.0) modificada

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    Which leads us to our next item. Scotch Whisky, or simply ‘Scotch’ is probably the most famous beverage to come from Scotland. It gets its distinct flavour from distilled barley liquor and peat-tainted water.

    If you want to find out more, there are several related tours in Edinburgh, such as The Scotch Whisky Experience, for which you'll have to stay near the Royal Mile. There are also any number of bars in the capital that offer whisky tasting, so you don’t need to go far to get a wee dram.

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    Scottish Bannock

    Scottish Bannock
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    The Scottish Bannock is a type of bread about the same thickness as a scone, traditionally made from oatmeal (although sometimes plain flour is used) and cooked on griddle. These days, many people use an iron skillet instead.

    The bannock’s popularity has spread throughout the world thanks to Scottish settlers. Native Americans in the US and Canada adopted the food in the 18th century. One of the most famous Scottish versions is the Selkirk Bannock, which, ironically, is more of a fruitcake than an oatcake. You’ll find it easily in Edinburgh’s bakeries, so why not try a few different types to find your own favourite.

    foto de Ninian Reid (CC BY 2.0) modificada