Nottinghamshire is a county in England’s East Midlands Region that’s known for being the fictional home of Robin Hood and his Merry Men, as well as for its vast number of historic attractions. Here, fans of literature and history can walk the actual paths of Robin Hood, Little John, Maid Marion, Will Scarlet and Alan-a-Dale in the real Sherwood Forest. The medieval abbeys at Newstead Abbey and Rufford Abbey are open for exploration, as are the ruins of King John’s Palace.

When you are finished exploring the world of Robin Hood, plenty more modern attractions await families. These include the petting zoo at Floralands Farm Park, the Freestyle Trampoline Park, Soft Play and Inflatable indoor play space, Mansfield Superbowl, the Nottingham Raceway Karting go-kart course, Mr Mulligan’s Pirate Golf and TeamSport Go Karting. At Mansfield Museum, families will experience exhibits regarding local history, while at Sherwood Riding School, the family can go horseback riding. For a quirkier exhibition, visit the Museum of Timekeeping with clocks, watches and other timepieces from history.

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