Burgos is a fascinating destination for history buffs. Its historic area is entered via an imposing 14th-century arch, and the centerpiece is the French Gothic Cathedral of St. Mary, which commands attention with its exquisite stonework and skyline-piercing spires.

Its spectacular interior is a must-see, and features vibrantly painted ceilings, decorative altarpieces, and rooms filled with awe-inspiring religious artworks. Beyond the cathedral, Burgos has plenty more to experience. Sample the city's acclaimed blood sausage, stroll the picturesque riverside promenade, or veer off the beaten tourist track and uncover its many hidden gems.

Qué hacer en Burgos

Cosas curiosas y divertidas
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    Burgos es una etapa importante en el Camino de Santiago, ya que cuenta con numerosos edificios históricos y religiosos. Las huellas que ha dejado el pasado en esta ciudad que vio nacer al Cid se palpan en los distintos puntos de interés que hallarás en su casco antiguo. Con una espléndida catedral gótica y un castillo que se eleva sobre...

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