Moesgaard Museum in the southern part of Aarhus has more than just archaeological Danish collections and exhibitions; you'll also find temporary special exhibitions with archaeological finds from all over the world. The museum, which is also called MOMU, is one of Denmark's most popular attractions – and for good reason. The architectonic museum, with its grass-covered tilted roof, invites visitors inside for extraordinary exhibitions with discoveries from Danish antiquity. As a bonus, the museum is located in beautiful natural surroundings, with a view of the forest's green trees and the rippling waves at Moesgaard Beach. Here, locals and tourists go fishing, mountain biking or take idyllic strolls by the sea.
MOMU offers a wealth of fantastic constructions as well as visual and sensory effects, which will lead to an unforgettable and unique experience. You will engage all senses, learning history through both sight and sound. Moesgaard Museum is therefore a grand experience for all ages and generations. Look forward to this extraordinary museum, which covers the past and present.
Moesgaard Museum in Aarhus - one of the highlights of 9 Best Free Things to Do in Aarhus and 10 Best Road Trips near Aarhus (Read all about Aarhus here)

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Highlights of Moesgaard Museum
MOMU has three permanent exhibitions, which you need to experience, with stories and historic artefacts from Denmark and all over the world. The first takes you back to the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages as well as the Viking Age and the Middle Ages. One of the highlights of this exhibition is the Grauballe Man (Grauballemanden), the world's best preserved bog body. The ethnographic exhibition The Life of the Dead (De dødes liv) welcomes you to the Spirit Room (Åndernes Rum), where you can see spirit masks and learn how the dead live on in different cultures, from Melanesia to Africa.
Moesgaard Museum is for all ages, and children can try their hand at being super researchers for a day at the MOMU lab. Here, dressed in a lab coat and armed with curiosity and science, they can try to unravel the mysteries of the past. Meet the Human (Mød Mennesket) is the third permanent and perhaps best known exhibition. It allows you to walk down the evolutionary and origin staircase and get close to seven unique, reconstructed human species (also called hominins).

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Moesgaard Museum and the human being
All exhibitions at MOMU have one thing in common; they focus on you, i.e. the human being. Whether you choose to explore the special exhibitions, the ethnographic exhibition or the permanent ancient exhibitions, the focus is always on the human being. How did they live? What did they look like? What did they eat? How did they survive and with what tools? Moesgaard Museum collaborates with Aarhus University and welcomes guests to get up close to humans from the past and present.
MOMU focuses on scenography and dramatised stories based on the newest research and technology, allowing you to immerse yourself in the anthropological and ethnologic exhibitions. The royal family also has a special connection to Moesgaard Museum. H.M. Queen Margrethe II is actually the protector of the museum. It is thus the queen's goal to generate interest in this architectonic gem, where storytelling – particularly about humanity from an evolutionary perspective – brings the past to life.

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Good to know about Moesgaard Museum
If you want a souvenir from the past, such as leather products, unique design products, ethnic and authentic reproductions of jewellery, mead or posters, you can find them in MOMU's shop. The museum also sells books on the themes, architecture and history of the exhibitions, suitable for kids and adults. When you start to feel hungry, you can sit at the café, with its beautiful panoramic view, and enjoy hot or cold meals prepared with quality, seasonal ingredients and focusing on local, organic and sustainable products. If you need to rest after all the visual and perceptible impressions, you can sit in the break room, where it is also possible to recharge your phone.
Moesgaard Museum is located about 9 kilometres from the centre of Aarhus, but luckily it is easy to access by public transport. A city bus runs approx. every 20 minutes from the Central Station and stops right outside the museum.

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Moesgaard Museum in Aarhus
Dirección: Moesgård Allé 15, 8270 Højbjerg, Denmark
Horario: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 9 am to 5 pm, as well as Wednesday from 9 am to 9 pm. Closed on Monday.
Teléfono: +45 87 39 40 00