Watch out for the angry little Oompa Loompa munchkin troll at front desk on weekend day shift with miserable attitude & Napolean complex! After showing her email confirmations, pdf files, & app confirms, she tried to illegally double charge me for a room i already paid for because she couldnt operate the new updated system, then after getting reimbursed by Motel6 AND, she had it out for me from then on! I hope Motel6 helps her to cope with life & not blame everyone else & guests for her own choices!
But don't take my word for it! Come see what happens when a fugly dwarf-ette from Middle Earth hooks up with the purple Grimace character from McD's (ba da ba ba da) and tell me Im wrong! Or maybe two Ewok siblings hooked up, but youd think her attitude would be better since she's on the spectrum?
So my rating is a reflection of only her (the sad breaker of mirrors). Everyone else during the week at the front desk & even on the weekend's other shifts were the BEST (EXCEPT the one who's mother drank antifreeze while pregnant because it looked like Mt Dew).
And the owner? Well, she obviously has incriminating evidence or something going on with this location's owner, or maybe the owner is her dad's sister daughter grandpa uncle & he cant fire his Kin, who knows?
But the staff, housecleaning, & maintenance were all awesome! No conplaints from me! Well, exceot for the hairy, smelly, miserable gremlin with dragon breath who let her authority go to her lumpy head!