There was NO front desk. We had to text a chat group and a man came to bring us up. The corridor was a dismal beige only with peeling paint. Entering the room required a 12-number password, lift access required a separate lift card, one per apartment. We were in shock upon entering the apartment, it looked nothing like the pictures shown. Wallpaper was peeling off, stains on the floor, a layer of dust on the furniture, mold on the bathroom fittings and cobwebs on the curtains There were laminated "warnings/instructions" everywhere in the apartment but we felt mocked instead. Who would even "destroy" the place when it is already a disaster?? No amenities were provided as mentioned, we had to ask for it. Worse thing was there was no tissue paper! Is that not a basic providence? The night duty guy came knocking on the door with 3 rolls of toilet paper instead. The stay was made worse when the dryer door could not open and we called for help, only to be accused of breaking the door (I dunno how) and being told that we had to pay a RM200 fine. When the staff unjammed the dryer door, he said that actually "door is not broken, is machine old" - when asked for an apology of his earlier accusation, he said, it's just like that. Also, one of the rooms had no AC, and after we got upset, they rolled up an 80s portable AC unit which sounded louder than a lawnmower when turn on. Overall, it was a horrid stay. The only saving grace was that it was located in an excellent area. A pity.