Here's a bullet point list. The heating had two settings: off and jet engine; very loud and annoying when you are trying to sleep. Hardly any linens and the blankets could barely keep you warm. The toilet paper holder was missing. Bath had two, child-sized towels for the shower. Kitchen overhead light was burnt out.
Front door was not secure, the latch was broken (see photo).
Table and chairs are wobbly.
Room smelled like cigarette smoke and had fingerprints on doors like the police were there.
Barely any utensils/plates/bowls, etc. One spoon, two knives and two forks.
Coffee maker pot was missing.
Staff not overtly rude but could still sense an attitude; they need to learn what hospitality means. Most bizarre, zero hangers in any of the closets.
On the plus side, appliances/cabinets/ were nice and modern. WiFi was good, nice TV, and the curtains kept out most of the light.